Franz Kafka’s classic Metamorphosis is now an easy reader book for Welsh learners

Learner-friendly vocabulary and grammar tips for each paragraph to help open your path to better reading in Welsh.
Title: Metamorffosis
Author: Franz Kafka
ISBN: 978-1-5272-8579-8
£6, 72 pages, paperback
Distributed by: Books Council of Wales
From your local bookshop and online at
Ebook: ISBN: 978-1-5272-9128-7
E-pub format, £6 from
Kafka’s work has been adapted with simplified vocabulary and verb structures, making it an ideal easy reader.

Kafka’s unique body of writing is considered amongst the most influential in Western literature. The word “Kafkaesque” has come into common use to denote mundane yet absurd and surreal circumstances of the kind commonly found in Kafka’s work.
His most famous pieces of writing include this short story Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis), first published in 1915.
With the kind support of Neue Walisische Kunst

We gratefully acknowlege the kind support of NWK – (New Welsh Art) who promote artistic projects and cultural links between Wales and Germany. Two of the main contributors to the Kafka book project are German language tutors who are themselves learning Welsh.
A publishing project consisting of successful learners who are now fluent in Welsh (including a Learner of the Year award winner), language tutors and current Welsh learners. We do not receive any official funding or subsidies.
“iawn” is the Welsh word for ‘OK’ and one of the most used words in the language.
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